Manna for the Morning


Preston and Sandie Shepherd
854 Dales Pony Drive
Castle Rock Colorado 80104


A percentage of every sale will be donated to these three non-profits. To include your favorite mission on this page in the coming months, please contact us and let us know more about what's on your heart.

Philippine Missions

Preston and Sandie worked as missionaries in the Manila, Philippines for almost 6 years.  They led a mission team of 28 young people in 1989 to plant a church in the capital city.  From that humble beginning, God blessed the church to grow to almost 3,000 Chiristians and over 100 to join the full-time ministry!

There is always a need for support in a 3rd world country. Money raised through this site for the work in the Philippines will go to support staff, teaching materials, and providing funds for facilities for Christians to meet for worship.  

Preston and Milton Jones (President of the Christian Relief Fund) has been a great friends since their junior year of college at Texas Tech University.  They were both Finance major and both then received their Masters in Ministry from Pepperdine, then both decided to go into the full-time campus ministry out of college.
Milton Jones has an incredible heart for the poor and needy.  I am proud to stand with him and support his efforts.  By helping "Manna for the Morning" you will be helping us to help them!  
Preston and Sandie Shepherd served as Vice Presidents and Pac-Rim Geographic Region Leaders of HOPEww from 1999-2003.  
In Manila, they worked very closely with HOPEww to establish 9 different "HOPE sites" (from Youth Centers in impoverished areas to outreaches in trash sorting communities).  They were also very instrumental in starting the very first HOPE Youth Corps that took place in Manila in 1994.  
The "Manna for the Morning" App is proud to stand with this great organization to help the poor and needy!
Cancer has touched everyone. Preston lost his grandmother, mother and sister and many close friends to cancer. He was blessed to be a bone marrow donor for a young woman with lukemia in 1993. She was cured and remains a close friend to this day! As Christians, we pray that God will comfort and heal those suffering with cancer.  We want to help!
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer develops when the body's normal control mechanism stops working. Old cells do not die and cells grow out of control, forming new, abnormal cells. More than one million people in the United States get cancer each year.  Whether you have cancer or are close to someone who does, understanding what to expect can help you cope. The people at St. Jude's  Research Hospital are very dedicated and a worthy health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer and caring for the families involved.. 

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