Manna for the Morning


   Preston Shepherd entered the ministry in 1980 as a Campus Minister working with a small church in Bellingham Washington. Because of his love for God’s Word, he took a small discipleship group of three young men and suggested a goal of reading through the entire Bible in one year. Each week Preston would prepare an exam to test their comprehension of that week's assignment. The young men enjoyed learning and discussing what they read each week! This type of activity became a standard practice in every place (Oklahoma City, Boston [Harvard University], Denver, San Francisco and Manila) that Preston served as a Minister.

   About 12 years later, while leading a large church of 1,400 members in San Francisco, California, Preston and the staff adopted the single for the church as a whole to read through the entire Bible. With that many people, Preston felt it was important for each individual to have some type of booklet containing the assignment and a brief explanation of what the person had read. Preston went to several Christian bookstores, but was very disappointed not to find that type of booklet. Yes there were some booklets that gave a reading assignment, but none of them included any insights into the person's reading. Instead they offered a devotional thought, something like, a man and his dog in South Dakota. Obviously that had nothing to do with the daily Bible reading assignment.

   Preston decided to try to create and publish a guide himself.  With only a few months lead time before the church was to begin their goal, he solicited the help of some trusted friends and associates.  He called Ed Heinlein, one of his mentors in Bible study, to help in the writing.  Sandie, his wife also did some writing as well as about 6 other staff members from the church.  The word got out about what the project and other churches joined in the goal and made orders too!  In the end, the books were finished - the goal accomplished - and over 20,000 people ordered and used the books that year!  MANNA FOR THE MORNING(MFM) was born!

   Twenty-five years later, Preston and Sandie have created this website and are still making the books available.  The series have been translated into Tagalog, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese and Thai.  God has blessed their lives tremendously through the Manna books and their prayer is that others continue to be blessed through them too!

   The next generation of MANNA FOR THE MORNINGis the "MFMApp" designed for both Android and Apple devices and will be introduced the summer of 2016!




Because of a need in the Shepherd's House Church to do a better job in "teaching and training" our children, Preston decided to embark on a project to create a teaching tools for kids (and adults) to learn the key Bible characters, stories, events and parables.  Since FLASH CARDS are such a widely accepted form of teaching and learning, it only made sense to focus on that form.

It is a massive project as our team drew over 300 images and writing a brief learning explanation of about 150 words per card!  Many people learning things visable so the MANNA BIBLE FLASH CARDS are an excellent mode of learning!  

We released these in the Fall of 2017 - the MANNA FOR THE MORNING App is available for Apple and Android mobile devices. From your mobile device (phone or pad) select this dynamic link to go directly to your app store:

Here are some samples of our Bible learning cards!


Preston's Testimony
  The word “manna” literally means “what is it?” (see Exodus 16:15,31). It was the daily bread that sustained the Israelites in the wilderness journey.  It was so impacting that Jesus referred to himself as the “bread of life” (John 6:35).  Truly it is the Word of God that sustains and gives all Christians life, meaning and happiness.     

  The MANNA FOR THE MORNING (MFM) Study Series was written with the goal to help the Bible student grasp the overall theme, outline, characters and teachings of God's Word.

  A relationship with another person, especially with God is built on regular communication.  Reading His Word is God speaking to us.  Our prayers and the working of His Spirit is our communicating with Him. Reading and study from the scriptures was something that God always desired:

Deuteronomy 17:19 - "It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees."

Joshua 1:8 - "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

Psalm 119:97 – “Oh, how I love your law!  I meditate on it all day long.”

Daily Reading Schedule



   The MANNA FOR THE MORNING™ App was released on May 1st, 2016!  The App is a perfect tool for any Christian wanting to grow in their knowledge of the Bible and their relationship with God!

   The App will feature the same elements that many have appreciated for 25 years including:

(1) A Reading Schedule - including a tracking system to monitor your progress

(2) Background Information - the section is new to Manna and gives the reader additional material on the background of each book

(3) Maps and Charts – about 100 maps and charts to aid in your understanding

(4) Test your Knowledge - over 40 different exams to see how well you remembered your reading assignment.  The App will give you feedback to the number of questions you answered correctly and will also give you the correct answer so that you can learn better.

(5) Original Illustrations - close to 100 new original illustrations to help the reader visualize all the different stories they encountered in their reading

(6) Personal Journal - The User can write down their personal thoughts and insights in their own personal journal.  The journal includes: "MFM Insights", "Prayer List", "Favorite Scriptures" and "Notes".


   Coming soon, the expandable menus of MFM.  New 30-day studies include:

(1) Manna for the New Christian– topical studies to help a new Christian in their new walk with the Lord

(2) Manna for Parents – topical studies to help Christian parents to focus on biblical principles of spiritual parenting

(3) Manna for Couples – topical studies for the engaged couple to help prepare them for building a solid spiritual foundation for their relationship

(4) Manna for Kids – multiple family devotionals to use at home with your children

(5) Manna for the Skeptic – topical studies on Christian evidences to help build faith in those who are doubting the existence of God

…and others

WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEAVE US A NOTE WITH YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THE MFM APP?  Please leave us your contact information below and let us hear from you.


Go directly to your App Store (either Apple or Google) by selecting this dynamic link ( from your mobile device (phone or tablet).


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